

  • To facilitate awareness generation on gender issues and promotes gender sensitive programs, policies, laws and schemes.
  • To create new databases and updated the existing gender database.
  • To set up an information network and to cooperate through it with interested organization at the local, national and international level.
  • To undertake social research and policy analysis on problems and processes of gender development especially in the State of Gujarat.
  • To involve and enhance participation of key stakeholders in programs related to gender and development on a common platform.
  • To link and facilitate the activities of Voluntary Organizations and other groups.
  • To contribute to national and international policies and programs on gender and development.
  • To conduct gender audit in related departments and programs.
  • To design programs and monitor & technically backstop the relevant schemes/projects/programs.
  • To channelize and coordinate the existing resources.
  • To provide any other such services that are in furtherance of the above objectives of GRC.