Activities of GRC

Research and Advocacy

  • Social & Policy Research, Gender Scan & Audit, Gender Mainstreaming, Policy support, Advocacy, Networking.

Capacity Building and IEC

  • Sensitization and Technical trainings, Training of Trainers, Manual and Material Development, IEC material development.

Reference and Information

  • Research Papers, Reference books, Database of experts, Government contacts, Web based information network. The centre acts like a “one stop shop” wherein any agency can access the data and information that it requires for gender sensitive planning, implementation and research through its Gender Data Bank.


  • Seminars and workshops on various issues related to gender and development. The output of the workshops are used extensively during the advocacy period to generate awareness and interest.

Networking with Civil Society

  • Identifying and networking with various agencies and motivating each group of agencies with clear mandate to pursue a particular policy issue on gender equity.

Gender Knowledge Centre

  • GRC attempts to develop and make available the resources at a single place to share them across organizations in order to make their efforts in the sector more streamlined, efficient and effective.

This includes

  • Provision of Specialized Gender Trainings
  • A well established Gender Data Bank
  • Comprehensive Website
  • A wide range of our own publications and audio-video material