Goals and Roles GRC


  • Eliminating gender-based discrimination from society through gender sensitization and gender just development in Gujarat.
  • Mainstreaming Gender in all plans, programs and processes of developmental change.
  • Gender-sensitive design and implementation strategy for programs of the state and other development agents that reduce gender discrimination.
  • Positive and gender just impact of developmental processes that lessen the gap between men and women.
  • Acceptance by the state of policies that ensure gender equity.


  • Promoting conceptual clarity and awareness on gender issues.
  • Procuring and disseminating information on specific gender concerns for sensitization.
  • Providing support to and coordination of efforts of various change agents to facilitate gender mainstreaming.
  • Building capacities of the many stakeholders and change agents to enable effective gender mainstreaming.
  • Providing technical inputs for Gender Planning, Gender Budgeting, Gender Analysis & Audit of Policies, Programs and outcomes, Gender Convergence, and Gender Advocacy to various organizations within and outside the state.
  • Demonstrating and guiding design and strategy for gender-sensitive programs.