The Gender Resource Centre (GRC) was established by Department of Women and Child Development (DWCD) in 2004 with the mission to ensure that the relevance of Gender Equity and Equality is accepted in the overall development process of the state. GRC facilitates Government Departments, NGOs, Academic Institutions, International Agencies and Independent experts in planning, implementing and evaluating gender sensitive programmes, policies, laws and schemes. The mission of the centre is “To ensure that the relevance and significance of Gender Equity and Equality is accepted and incorporated in the overall development process and plans”.
Research and Advocacy : Social & Policy Research, Gender Scan & Audit, Gender Budgeting & Mainstreaming, Policy support, Advocacy, Networking
Capacity Building and IEC : Sensitization and Technical trainings, Training of Trainers, Manual and Material Development, IEC material development
Reference and Information : Research Papers, Reference books, Database of experts, Government contacts, Web based information network called Gender Data Bank.
Workshops : Seminars and workshops on various issues related to gender and development. The output of the workshops is used extensively during the advocacy period to generate awareness and interest.
Networking with Civil Society : Identifying and networking with various agencies and motivating each group of agencies with clear mandate to pursue a particular policy issue on gender equity
Contact Us :
Gender Resource Centre
Block No. - 8, 8th Floor, Udhyog Bhavan , Sector - 11, Gandhinagar.
Phone - +91 - 79 - 29650008