“Samaj Kalyan Bhawan”
21, Ashok Nagar Society,
Near Bhattha, Sarkhej Road,
Phone No. 079-26620364
Fax no. 079-26621301
E-mail : gsswb2004@yahoo.com
After independence with the vision of holistic development of all sections of the community India first Prime Minister Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru has provided platform for established Central Social Welfare Board in 1953. Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh, veteran social worker, parliamentarian and member of the Planning Commission was entrusted the responsibility of standing at the helm of the nascent Board that was perceived as an interface between the resources of the Government and the energy and outreach of the voluntary sector.
With an object to implement various schemes for the welfare and development of women and children through registered voluntary organizations Gujarat State Social Welfare Board came into existence in 1960.
Since its inception Board responsible for implement of Varity of programmes of CSWB and MWCD in order to facilitate and strengthen disadvantage group of the society. After the establishment of the State Social Welfare Board, it has had a major role in all the important changes that have taken place in society. In the first phase, the Board’s mandate was primarily social welfare, in the second phase it played the role of a catalyst for social change and accelerated the pace of social development, today the majority of programmes of the Board emphasize the empowerment of women and Child development by spreading awareness in society.
With increasing employment opportunities for women and the growing need to supplement household income, more and more women are entering the job market. With the breaking up of joint family system and the increasing number of nuclear families, working women need support in terms of quality, substitute care for their young children while they are at work. Creche and Day Care Services are not only required by working mothers but also women belonging to poor families, who require support and relief for childcare as they struggle to cope with burden of activities, within and outside the home.
The CSWB provides financial assistance to organizations to set up creche units for the children of working and ailing mothers belonging to the lower income groups. Children of the age group of 6 months to 6 years can be covered under this scheme.
Each unit consists of 25 children who are provided with sleeping facilities, health-care, supplementary nutrition, immunization, pre-primary education etc.
RGNC crèche scheme guideline has been recently received since 01.01.2016 details may be uploaded from cswb website the like is
Women’s organizations and other voluntary social welfare organizations engaged in work relating to women’s issues can avail grants from CSWB for setting up Family Counselling Centers (FCCs). Under the FCC scheme, counselling, referral and rehabilitative services provide free of charge to women victims who are in mortal danger within the family or society at large including those affected by disputes, marital discord or maladjustment.
It is expected that the Family Counselling Centre Should work in close collaboration with local authorities e.g. police and institutions like Short Stay Homes etc. The institution should appoint 2 counsellors, holding Master’s Degree in Social Work or Psychology. At least one Counsellor should be women. The FCC is expected to intervene in ‘crisis’ cases and in cases of atrocities against women
The Scheme of Condensed Courses of Education was initiated to cater to the needs of adult girls / women who could not join mainstream education system or were school dropouts or failed. The scheme aims to provide educational opportunities to girls / women above the age of 15 years along with additional inputs of skill development / vocational training.
Courses can be organized for women of the age of 15 years and above. The following types of courses can be conducted under the scheme:
Central Social Welfare Board is implementing Awareness Generation Project (AGP) programme with the aim of creating awareness in the community on issues relating to the status, rights and problems of women. Its main objectives are to identify the needs of rural and poor women, to increase women’s active participation in fulfilment of those needs and in developmental and other allied programmes, Orient the women through awareness camps in a manner in which they can involve themselves in efforts to meet their felt need in the area of social development and to enable women to organize themselves and strengthen their participation in decision-making in the family and in the community to deal with social issues including atrocities on women and children.
5. SHORT-STAY HOMES FOR WOMEN & GIRLS (SWADHAR Greh (A Scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances)
Under the scheme, grants are given to Voluntary Organizations, to set up Short Stay Homes for women and girls, with a view to protect and rehabilitate those women and girls who are facing social, economic and emotional problems due to family problems, mental stress, social ostracism, exploitation or other causes or are being forced into prostitution and are in moral danger. The scheme provides following services / facilities.
Children accompanying the mother or born in the Home, may be permitted to stay in the Home up to the age of seven years after which, they may be transferred to children’s institutions or provided foster care services. The Home should have an average of 30 inmates at a time with facilities for a minimum of 20 and maximum of 40 residents.
Note:- The scheme has been revised and further continuation is under consideration as per new Guideline.
The Central Social Welfare Board provides support to VOs under a variety of programmes in order to facilitate and strengthen their role in empowering women through education and training, through collective mobilisation and awareness creation, through income generating facilities and by the provision of support services. The detailed terms and conditions of grants are described below.
In order to be eligible for grants under the CSWB's programmes, an applicant institution should meet the following eligibility condition:
The Voluntary Organisation willing and fulfil above eligible condition may submit their online
Application through e-Awedan against the advertisement announce by CSWB, New Delhi.