Mata Yashoda Gaurav Nidhi
Published : 29 Aug 2018
In an effort to provide social security for anganwadi workers and anganwadi helpers. The Gujarat Government has started an insurance scheme for anganwadi worker and anganwadi helper in the name of Mata Yashoda Gaurav Nidhi.
The state has worried that, Anganwadi workers and helpers’ family members will not be left behind in crisis after, the death of anganwadi workers and helpers. Similarly, by providing insurance cover to anganwadi workers and helpers, Gujarat has provided an excellent example of humanitarian sensitivity.
As in the case of ordinary people, there is the security of an insurance. Gujarat is the first state in the country to provide such insurance cover to anganwadi workers and helpers. Due to this scheme, a large number of workers have been assured that, after her death concern of her family will be done by state government by fulfilled its responsibility.
Years of job completed
Amount to be paid (in Rs.)
Under this scheme, during the working years of the AWW and AWHs, every month a premium of Rs. 100 is paid out of which Rs.50 is paid by The Gujarat Government and Rs. 50 is paid by the beneficiary (AWW /AWH). On maturity of the insurance that is after the death of the AWW /AWH, the nominee of the insured receives an amount of Rs. 50,000 along with amount deposited and its interest in case of death of the insured.